Anxiety blocker #5: do the opposite

Anxiety blocker #4: postpone your worries

Anxiety blocker #3: connect

Anxiety blocker #2: tap tap for energy

Anxiety blocker #1: channel that energy

The anxious leader, might that be you?

What’s your point?

Why you need better emotional vocabulary

What if we stopped playing it safe?

Work place bully? You can hold your ground

Say ‘yes’ to what matters (and ‘no’ where you need to)

Why it’s so hard to admit you made a mistake?

Success is a matter of perspective…

Don’t blow it – prepare for that difficult conversation

Why are you being so defensive?

Want to recover faster from disappointment?

All it takes is a post it…

Stop being a people pleaser

How to make good decisions (at least most of the time)

How to “get” more time…

Want feedback to land? Data shows you need to (truly) care

I have seen the future

Happy holidays

Politics are a fact of life. Here’s how to make sure they don’t slow down yours

Can a traditional 360-degree feedback be positive?

No way back from here?

Feedback: say the right thing at the right time

The road from “no” to “yes”

How to stay calm and cool in a crazy uncertain world

Beware of amygdala hijacks!

Networking: are you more of a Lisa than a Donald?

Bellies for empathy

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” – Confucious

Remove the “noise” to clear the path for performance

What’s your attitude when it comes to grat[t]titude?

Happy turkey day!

Five steps to make yours a winning team

Other people matter

The problem with change

Tired of conflict that doesn’t get you anywhere? Hats on!

Who on your team is a trendsetter?

The positive psychology link to *drive*

What a sheep can tell us about stress…

Dancing on the ceiling…and learning to relax along the way

As a leader, resist the temptation to control people

Introverts, the CEOs of the future?

Can you say NO in a positive way?

Just for today

At the top of your game? Get a coach!

How to pick your coach? Watch out for chemistry!

Whom have you hugged today?

Workplace anger: compassion yields the best results

Lessons from child’s play

Project oxygen: how google embraces positive psychology

Watson goes HR

3 steps to building a better team

What good feedback looks like: situation – behaviour – impact

Hara hachi bu, or 80% full applied to work

Playing for change: ‘stand by me’

I am not crazy – I am just not you!

Do you incubate or procrastinate?

Changing perceptions: millennials and the retirement brain drain

Une vocation, une passion, une vie

In praise of praise, part two: a classic idea with a twist

The organizational retirement dilemma

The positive psychology link to drive

Remove summer vacation roadblocks!

Water cooler chatter can boost your bottom line…

The ‘mahna-mahna’ effect: how to keep your top talent from exiting!

Organizations & positive psychology: ‘so happy together’!

Expect to introduce change? Expect to get push back (and beware of employees who don’t push back!)

Who’s got your vuvuzela?

Knowledge transfer and succession: not just for the c-suite

Ask, “what’s right?”: highlight on positive organizational behaviour

The happy employee equation

Good meetings mean good business

Take one…

Happiness is contagious

Butting heads

The chromatic CEO?

Working for fun: a different logic for profits

Before you join: is the culture right?

Get your ‘I QUIT’ right

Your résumé: meet your most faithful ambassador

Want success? Invest in ‘lifeline’ relationships

Curb your inner critic – part two

Social intelligence and leadership

Working identity

The last lecture

Life at 30,000 feet

Authentic happiness