The present economic climate is tough. The June 2009 stats by the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that particularly the more seasoned male professionals have been affected to a greater extend than in previous recessions. Some of my clients have come to me because they are looking to use this time to explore their options, to change, to reinvent themselves. But the majority of my clients is more concerned with staying with and thriving in their present employment situation. They want to work on distinct challenges such as being an effective leader or communicator. Some simply want to beat the odds of losing their current job.
Here are the 6 steps that will help you keep your job:
- Boost your resilience. In times of high stress, it is important to build your ability, both mentally and physically, to absorb this additional pressure. Did you know that 40 percent of our well-being is within your reach to change and influence? You can learn more if you go to a book store and buy the book “The How of Happiness” by well-known psychologist and researcher Sonia Lyubomirsky. A number of activities are scientifically proven to improve your resilience, such as building positive emotions by keeping a gratitude journal, writing a “best self” scenario, eating healthy, fitness and meditation.
- Develop new skills. A number of professionals are adding to their career portfolio by signing up for night-time classes in an Executive MBA Program, certificates or by taking on-line courses. Bring these skills back into your professional environment; see how the newly acquired knowledge can benefit your role and the organization.
- Leverage your strengths. Get a sound grip on what you are best at and what you enjoy doing most, in other words your core competencies. This is your tool kit to build competitive advantage and to become literally irreplaceable. Start by taking the free VIA assessment of your strengths. If you want to then learn how to utilize your strengths effectively, you know where to find me.
- Go the extra mile with your employer. Making your time and assets readily available, volunteering to take on extra projects, is an intuitive motion in this economic climate. Important is to find the right balance between taking initiative and your resources – stretch goals are good as long as they don’t negatively influence your performance. Engaged motivated professionals are an asset to companies – and your employer knows this: every year about $300 billion is lost in the US economy as a result of disengaged employees!
- Network. Networking is about building contacts and alliances. For career success, this is an integral part and not a temporary activity. It is proven to be the number one way to find a job. So: engage in connecting with a wide variety of individuals and platforms in good and in bad times. Check out my networking blogs over the past months.
- Manage your liabilities. We discussed building your assets and strengths. Now is the time of wise investments (in your well-being, health and skills) and the cut back on unnecessary expenses (in a Dolce & Gabbana outfit for that next client presentation). In other words, learning to prioritize is one of your key allies in this process.