This is truly a job hunter’s travel guide and there are over 10,000,000 copies out there! Every year the career “guru” Dick Bolles up-dates this book and adds content that plays to the current environment.
So, not surprisingly, you will find in the 2009 edition information on “Finding a job in hard times.” Unlike many other career books, Bolles mixes narrative with numerous “gold nuggets” that offer information about on-line resources on how to craft an effective resume or cover letter, coaching services, career sites etc. He also shares his wisdom on the most powerful job search approaches, how to align your values and skills with what you do, how to network effectively, interview well and negotiate your salary. It is a quick read, but careful: while it may be tempting to read it as a ‘novel’, there are many great tips just weaved into the text and you need to pay attention, the devil is in the detail .